DESCRIPTION: The first full length film from Ridingspirit, created by Sandro Szukat, is a non supported documentary about the essence of biking, filmed during a 2 month bike journey from Spain to Germany, pedalling over 3.000km. Combining wonderful things like; adventure, sport, people and music.
Manel Ibars, Victor Adraste, Carlos L'heveder, Cristian Rodriguez, Damaso Garcia, Ferran Garcia, Matthieu Noe "Poulpe", Thomas Charrier, Lazare Costa, Joseph Forissier, Fransen Pedder and Alex Kerk, also many riders from Eurobike dirt contest and Amir Kabbani's Fade Away Session 2013 like Szymon Godziek, Pavel Alekhin, Xavier Pasamonte, Thomas Genon, Blake Samson, Ray Samson and many more.
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